Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Do it now!

After a month-long blog hiatus (Blogaitus?), I'm feeling very "now."

"Now" occurs in time and space, the dimensions of a universe created by God.

We live and die in now.

This "now" will never happen again...unless you have a time machine, which is a whole other post.

I have some work that I've been putting off, and putting off, and putting off some more. But when I am still, I hear a voice in my head, a voice that has been forged by the advice, wisdom, training, and support of many good people over many years. None of us grow in a vacuum - we are molded by our environment. I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a loving family. In my schooling, from nursery to seminary, I've had excellent teachers across the board. They taught me to be responsible, make tough decisions, and trust the outcome. When I listen to this voice, I cannot escape one feeling, cannot deny the one powerful idea that rises to the top.


If you're reading this, maybe you have something in your life that you have delayed, something you need to face but would rather not. Something that, when you drift off to sleep, bubbles in your subconscious and sours your dreams. My consolation is to assure you that you are not alone. I'm a procrastinator in recovery, and other people struggle with "P" as well.

My prayer is that God loves us, period. We can live into that love by trusting our capacity to face what we need to face. God will love us before, during, and afterwards. Once it's over, we'll feel a whole lot better.

El futuro es ahora.
The future is now.

Let's do it now!

1 comment:

  1. This brings to mind a quote I have shared with my son, who (like me) tends to put off the most difficult or uncomfortable task until the inevitable moment of truth is at your doorstep..."The toughest road often leads to the top of the mountain."
