Monday, June 28, 2010


We live in a technological era which erodes privacy; welcome to 2010. I aid and abet this tendency whenever I gawk at Youtube candid footage or read blogs that could be more discreet.

Lately, I've been fighting the urge to vent my spleen about private business between me and someone else, someone who matters.

Venting, aka letting off steam, is a healthful practice. It helps release tension, lessening the chance that anxiety will be internalized. I've got some steam that I'd like to vent, but in the interest of discretion - changing the names to protect the innocent - I'm going to blow smoke instead of steam. IOW, I'm not going to tell the story explicitly in blogdom.

Instead, I'll tell it in code. NUBBU....nubbu po lij tvedc'k wwwwuqu. Scxeedde wheet VOU lonner tash bonna wox rioghan, rioghan. Dasai immo hoffa po qui meekloem, zep utre dueckso. Zoc zoc liitosh t'kao, reiquovon kliedsah oc trvest! Kalickiwat, tosha me wadate, kalickiwat!!

Before the Mensa Minds dig out their decoder rings, they should know that my rant is not really "code" but is more appropriately classified as "gibberish." There's no secret message, no revelation about Al Gore's libido, no juicy gossip to be found. It's just a lot of smoke and steam.

So there you have it: a privacy-protecting rant. I'm feeling better already. Kalickiwat.

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